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Saturday Summary #2

Welcome to the second Saturday Summary, a bit later than would usually be scheduled. Sort of, but not completely because we're deciding which day to go and visit our local indie bookshop... A week for memoirs fictitious and non this week. First, news that Sir Ian McKellen has reached a deal with Hachette - rumoured to be worth around £1 million - for an as-yet unwritten title about his life. Thought to cover topics including his incredible work in theatre and film, his decision to come out as gay, and his co-founding of a gay rights group (Stonewall)...we'll bring you more when it's confirmed.

Originally reported by The Sunday Times, the full article sits behind a paywall. But if you wish to read more, Pink News adds flesh to the bones.

Rugby fans, or just fans of World Cup winner Ben Cohen MBE, might be interested to know he too is planning a book. Tuesday brought that news, but there are little details as of yet.

Wednesday taught us that Spaced, Hot Fuzz, Shaun of the Dead and The World's End star (plus comedian, writer and actor) Nick Frost, has a confirmed release date for his 'movingly honest' memoirs, Truths, Half Truths And Utter Bullsh*t [our asterisk]. The book is due out on October 8th from Hodder and Stoughton, and in Frost's own words:

'I'm writing everything down. The sh*t, the death, fun, naughtiness, addiction, laughter, laughter, laughter, some tears and lots of love and happiness. That to me is a better reflection of a human's life.'

We also found out that Neil Gaiman's American Gods is being put into production as a TV series. There's a book to be read if you've yet to do so (and we mean us too!). The usual thoughts about adaptations run amok in our grey matter.

Thursday was the birthday of E.L James' Christian Grey - he of the Fifty Shades. And so the release of the author's latest title came about; but by Friday it was clear that Grey had provoked a mixed response.

Friday also brought news that former Welsh international rugby player, Gareth Thomas, had his autobiography Proud named Sports Book of the Year in the CROSS British Sports Book Awards. Proud had already been named CROSS Autobiography of the Year at an event earlier this month. Good going for the former player affectionately referred to as "Alfie".

Today is Saturday. And that...that means it's the start of Independent Bookshop Week 2015.

Go indies!